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Moving Arte Sella

Moving Arte Sella

Coming soon
Category: Culture Place: Borgo Valsugana All the dates
"We invite you to participate in movement practices, inspired by contemporary dance and its improvisational and performative aspects. The theme of each meeting will be linked to the different works of art on display at Arte Sella. Each practice will be built on images and proposals, on how to connect to a work of art, to space, to people, activating different body languages. The practice is accessible and requires no specific background. 
If you have a body, that is enough.’"
This is how Hanna Kushnirenko, dancer and photographer, describes the dance workshop that will take place at Villa Strobele in Arte Sella. 

The project is organised in collaboration and with the contribution of the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara in Trento. 

Here is how to participate: 

- to register, call +39 0461751251 or send an e-mail to from Monday to Thursday before the visit from 8 a.m. to 12 noon; 
- participation is free of charge; 
- maximum number of participants 25 people; 
- the practice will last one hour, from 10 to 11 a.m., at the exhibition area of Villa Strobele; 
- the meeting point is at 9.45 a.m. at the Al Legno restaurant in Val di Sella;
- entrance to the exhibition area at Malga Costa 10.00 €.

The practices will take place on Saturday; in the event of bad weather, they will be held at the Borgo Valsugana venue. 
Here are the dates: 

June: 1/06 and 29/06; 
July: 27/07
August: 31/08
September 28/09
October: 26/10
November: 30/11
December: 21/12

The project is edited by Arte Sella in collaboration and with the contribution of the Centro Culturale Santa Chiara in Trento.
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