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Towns and places to visit in Trentino, Valsugana

During a stay in Valsugana it is worth it to dedicate some time to discover the historical centers of the citadels, of the characterist villages and towns that are found on the valley floor, on the slopes of the Lagorai mountain range, and in the lively side valleys such as Tesino.

Among the different places of Valsugana the cities of Pergine dominated by its castle, the city of Levico Terme resting on the shores of the homonymous lake and characterised by the renowned thermal waters and Borgo Valsugana, a lovely center situated of the Brenta river at the foot of Telvana Castle, surely stand out.

In addition to seeing Levico and and its surroundings, in the area of the lakes, you can’t miss a visit to Caldonazzo and Calceranica al Lago, as well as to Vignola Falesina and then to Tenna, a town situated on the homonymous hill which divides the two lakes of Levico and Caldonazzo and which during the springtime, with the flowering of the apple trees, gifts us us one of the most charming landscapes of the season.

Coming down from the lakes following the course of the Brenta river and following the coasts of the moutain, you can find the charming small towns of Novaledo with its Tor Quadra, Roncegno Terme surrounded by centuries-old chesnut trees on the Strada del Castagno that brings to Ronchi Valsugana, Torcegno and Carzano and then to Telve and Telve di Sopra, on the road to the famous Passo Manghen.

Continuing then to the East the different locations of Valsugana become smaller lively centers, each one with its suggestive story and its own particular spots to discover: Castelnuovo, Ospedaletto and Grigno close to the bike bath and Scurelle, Castel Ivano (recently formed from the fusion of Villa Agnedo, Strigno, Ivano Fracena and Spera) and Samone

And to finish off, on the road going from West to East, you can find the Highland of Tesino and Bieno: an elevated area compared to the rest of the districts of Valsugana,  made out of the towns of Bieno, Pieve Tesino and Cinte Tesino and Castello Tesino and renowned for the natural environment with the massive presence of the forest stand and the the granite massif of Cima D’Asta and the ancient folk traditions.

Discover all of the locations of Valsugana!