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The cycle path

The Brenta Biking Route and the Valsugana Cycle path

The Brenta river flows through the Valsugana, which springs from the Caldonazzo and Levico lakes and it flows into the lagoon of Venice, after flowing for 175 km.
The river has always been an important transport way, from the mountain to the Adriatic Sea, along the Via Claudia Augusta Altinate, Roman path where Germanic and Latin peoples came across and left their footprints in the history, traditions, food and drinks of the area.

The Valsugana Cycle Path connects the Caldonazzo Lake with Bassano del Grappa: a true paradise for all bike lovers. It is 80 km long, with intermingling cultural aspects, history and natural landscape which mark the border between Trentino and Veneto. The Brenta river is a bridge uniting these two regions, a cultural path which resembles the great European Paths.

The river and its route are a unique itinerary marked by interesting cultural, historical, artistic and natural features, crossing a territory rich in sightseeing opportunities.
Its water will accompany you along an easy path, mainly flat, suitable for everybody, to spend some carefree hours, performing sports activities outdoor, surrounded by nature.
WARNING: Currently the section of the cycle path between the Primolano Bridge and the locality of Piovega di Sotto (Cornale) is closed by order of the Mayor until further notice. There are no deviations. For further information, please contact the Municipality of Enego Tel: 0424 490131.

Activities and services

There are some services points where you can have your bike repaired. Along the cycle path there are Rest & Service areas, the Bicigrill in Levico Terme and in Tezze, where you can rest, have a drink or something to eat and get tourist information. Bike sharing is an innovative service. For further information please visit: e

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