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Santa Colomba Lake

Lake Santa Colomba is probably the main and most evocative attraction of the plateau. Situated at almost 1000 m above sea level, the lake, despite not having gigantic dimensions (in fact it measures 310 m long and 120 m wide, as well as a maximum depth of 8 metres) represents an element of great landscape importance and a place of incredible naturalistic importance.

Surrounded by lush Scots pine forests, the lake, together with the Palù dei Preti, forms a paradise of biodiversity. It is no coincidence that it is recognized as a "Special Conservation Area" (IT3120102 Lago di S. Colomba) pursuant to European directives for the protection of habitats and species.

The north shore of the lake is characterized by the presence of a dense reed thicket, while tufts of sedges grow almost everywhere on the banks. Today the ichthyofauna guarantees a high level of fish in the lake, which has at least 10 confirmed species. Mallard ducks, coots and moorhens nest in the reed thicket in spring. But the faunal importance of the lake and the swamp is above all due to the amphibians, which come here in spring from the surrounding areas to mate and lay their eggs: as many as 6 species have been observed to date.
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