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Fishing at Lake Caldonazzo

Fishing at Lake Caldonazzo
is an exciting experience for fans of whitefish, lake trout and carp fishing.
Fishing from the boat is recommended.

The Caldonazzo Lake is the widest body of water in Valsugana and the biggest entirely belonging to the Trentino region.
Thanks to the favourable weather conditions, it is one of the warmest lakes in southern Europe.
Here it is possible to swim between May and September and, since 2014, on its beaches the waves the European Blue Flag.

In its crystal-clear water swim beautiful whitefishes (some of the biggest in the whole continent), lake trouts, pikes and carps.

Surface 5,627 km²
Lenght 4,735 km
Width 1,870 km
Max depth 49 m
Average depth 26,5 m
Permitted vessels watercraft, kayak, belly boat, boats up to 4 hp / 3 kw
Fish species
whitefish, black bullhead blackfish, tench, carp, eel, pike, perch, see trout, white bleak

Fishing association:
Ass. Pescatori Fersina e Alto Brenta
Sergio Eccel: Tel +39 335 477409

Price of fishing permits (Caldonazzo and Valle Lakes):
Daily: € 15,00
Weekly: € 48,00

Where to buy fishing permits (Caldonazzo and Valle Lake):
Bar Centrale - Via Tartarotti 3 - Calceranica al Lago - Tel. 0461 723978
Bar Divino - Corso Alpini, 42 - Calceranica al Lago
Camping Penisola Verde - Via Penisola Verde, 5 - Calceranica al Lago - Tel. 0461 723272
Hotel Al Brenta - Via Claudia Augusta, 17 - Levico Terme - Tel. 0461 706131
Camping Punta Indiani - Via del Mezzolago, 2 - Valcanover di Pergine - Tel. 0461 548062
Negozio Pesca Filippi - Viale Venezia, 32 - Pergine Valsugana - Tel. 0461 531151

Or buy the permits online by Trentino Fishing (Permesso ospite - Ass. Pescatori Fersina e Alto Brenta)

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