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Dragon Boat

Since several years the waters of the lakes of Caldonazzo and Levico have been sailed by quite unusual crafts for the alpine environment: the dragon boats, rowing boats imported from China, country where this discipline has been developed since millenniums and has then become national sport.

A dragon boat is 12 meters long and one meter wide, it is provided by a dragon’s head shape prora and a great drum that beats the rhythm of rowing. 

Narrow and streamlined, this boat hosts 22 people in the crew: twenty rowers, the coxswain and a drummer at prora to beat the rhythm of rowing. In summer, in late afternoon it is easy to hear the tam tam of the dragon boat caught up in trainings in view of the amazing challenges to oars which involve all villages of Valsugana and not only it.

Among them the ‘Palio dei Draghi’ on the lake of Caldonazzo is a great sports and folkloristic competition reserved to villages and it is truly a unique play, for its color and its emotional involvement, an absolute not-to-be missed event! 
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