Permanent exhibition of the Mòchena community - Klòffen exhibition
The permanent exhibition is located at the headquarters of the Mòcheno cultural institute/Bersntoler Kulturinstitut. Inside it will be possible to relive the history and traditions of the Mòchena population through panels, objects and documents, being able to delve into different aspects of daily life, from colonization to the present day, passing through the world wars. Among the objects on display is the Stela, which was used for a long time in Palù del Fersina. In the exhibition there is a video station to view some films.
The Institute is also home to temporary exhibitions concerning various aspects of the community.
Opening time:
May, September and October
From Monday to Friday
10.00 – 12.00 and 14.00 – 16.00
June, July and August
10.00 – 12.30 and 14.00 – 16.00
May - October: opening for groups by reservation
In compliance with current government provisions (DPCM of 23 July 2021), from 6 August 2021 to access the museum and its local offices and to participate in events it is necessary to present the Green Pass. Children under 12 years of age and people who for proven health reasons, based on appropriate medical certification, cannot be vaccinated are exempt.
- €3.50 full price
- €2.50 reduced for children up to 18 years and groups
- €1.00 for students and disabled people
- free for children up to 6 years old
For information and reservations:
Tel. (0039) 0461 550073