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Church of Assunta

Town: Pieve Tesino
It is one of the most remarkable Gothic churches in Trentino. It is situated in a dominant position and surrounded by a large churchyard.

Its existence is documented since the twelfth century; The current Gothic appearance and its Nordic character is due to a fifteenth-century reconstruction, and subsequent alterations.

The main facade has a sixteenth-century portal. It has a Gothic spire and a peculiar bell tower with. On the side facades, there are interesting remains of fifteenth-century frescoes while on the south is still clearly visible facade an ancient sundial.

Inside you can admire the beautiful Renaissance pulpit, the main altar, with an altarpiece by Orazio Gaigher (1928), is the work of an eighteenth-century Venetian sculptor. An eighteenth-century balustrade in pink marble separates the central nave of the presbyter. The decoration of the church is nineteenth century.

Information: The church can be visited every day from 8.00 to 18.00.
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